Posted on 18 Apr '19 in Act by Act

Form Studies with Plaster Casts

Series of plaster casts of wood engravings asĀ studies for potential sculpturesĀ and installations.

Study for Table Space on Wooden Blocks 22 x 30 cm plaster cast, wood

Form Study for Table Space 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Form Study for Table Space 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Study for Sculpture with Stackings 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Study for Sculpture with Stackings 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Study for Sculpture with Stackings 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Study for Intervention in the Studio 22 x 30 cm plaster cast, wood

Study for Intervention in the Studio 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Study for Intervention in the Studio 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Form Study with Badmington Net 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood

Form Study with Badmington Net 26 x 36 cm plaster cast, wood